Richard Newman, CEO, and Founder of Body Talk – Advanced communication training to increase your personal impact and influence
Richard Newman is an award-winning expert in Communication, Storytelling, and Influence.
Richard’s team has been training people across the Lifescience sector for decades. This includes working directly with Key Opinion Leaders to prepare them for congress speeches, training MSLs to have more effective conversation skills with HCPs (including working with 1000s of MSLs worldwide to increase their virtual communication skills), and coaching commercial teams for treatment launches.
Proven results: While working with one pharma client, STEM reviewed the skills of MSLs before and after Richard’s team had trained them on impactful conversations with HCPs. STEM confirmed that the increase in results after the training was the single biggest increase they had ever recorded.
Richard is a guest speaker at London Business School, teaching communication skills and storytelling in the MBA program. He is regularly featured on BBC London Radio, discussing the communication styles of leaders. He has also been featured on SKY TV, in the Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, and in Forbes magazine. His team has given specialist communication coaching to 100,000 people, across 45 countries, over the last 20 years. Richard’s clients include CEOs, Vice-Presidents, and leadership teams across many industries worldwide
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