Founding Partner of Talking Medicines, giving Patients a Voice through real-world data and driving change in medicines supply, delivery and support through Medsmart®
Secure Telehealth Video Consultation specialist supporting Patients and Healthcare providers to improve the immediacy and continuity of home care, through bespoke cost-effective and personal data agnostic app solutions.
Over 25 years of medical experience in Lifescience, delivering knowledgeable insight on regulatory and data protection frameworks to operational outcomes.
Passionate about leveraging consumer-led behavioural engagement in healthcare to empower patients, optimise health outcomes and support healthcare stakeholder needs.
Extensive experience in consulting, scoping and building engaging bespoke digital solutions for blue chip pharmaCo, pharmacy, healthcare professionals and consumers.
Portfolio includes bespoke Digital Patient Support platforms around key health areas, Secure Telehealth solutions made accessible to all healthcare professionals, and Medsmart®
Extensive national business, marketing and consultancy experience in leading and developing commercially led outcomes amongst private veterinary medical practitioners.
Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons