Former Director of Cyber Programmes, GCHQ | Founder, Human Digital Thinking
Sally is an international keynote speaker with a background in national security, digital change programmes and cyber leadership. She spent over 25 years working across the intelligence community, focused on crisis management and support to military operations. In her final role as Director of Cyber Operations at GCHQ she ran the National Offensive Cyber Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Defence and was responsible for the stand up of the UK’s national Cyber Force.
Over the last few years, Sally has blended her cyber specialism with her original degree in experimental psychology, to more fully explore the opportunities and challenges around human digital interactions and intelligence of all kinds. Her focus is on the impact of technology on the decision-making and cognitive diversity of high-performing teams – and on the individual’s ability to learn and pay attention in a digital world.
Sally has a portfolio of interests to stay current in the theory and practice of digital development, human leadership and artificial intelligence. She is currently working as a non-exec director for several digital startups, with the cyber security community on trust and integrity of human-machine systems, and with an international community on the risks and opportunities from AI.
The ambition – human leadership, for a safer, more sustainable future digital world.