An accountant by profession, Jacqui worked in the manufacturing industry, before joining the NHS in 1990, where she held several very senior management and board-level positions in provider and commissioning organisations before establishing her own health consultancy in 2008. Jacqui has a wealth of knowledge and experience in commissioning, service development and payment by results and has a particular interest in process and service redesign. Jacqui has experience working at a national and international level, including working with American and Swedish organisations on the introduction and implementation of transformational change programmes.
Jacqui continues to be active in the NHS being:
Jacqui now works with NHS organisations and the health science industry redesigning and developing services and is a national speaker on NHS Reform and Insight, commissioning, payment by results and service transformation.
Jacqui has a working interest and knowledge of ophthalmology leading several reviews and redesign projects. Over her long NHS career, she has gained a deep understanding of the speciality from a strategic planning, commissioning, and operational perspective. Jacqui is passionate about moving to outcomes-based service models speaking nationally on the imperatives of patient-centred care and pathway improvement. Her extensive experience and knowledge span surgical and medical ophthalmology.
Jacqui has worked extensively within the area of rheumatology undertaking numerous service reviews across the UK and authoring the BSR commissioning toolkit. Jacqui has undertaken extensive work on the importance of best-practice approaches to the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis with biological treatments. Utilising her expertise in service improvement coupled with her genuine passion for the speciality, Jacqui has led numerous pathway redesign projects including the introduction of early arthritis, lupus, and joint psoriatic arthritis clinics. She has acted as a strategic advisor to several CCGs and NHS trusts and currently is the non-executive lead for the Devon rheumatology redesign programme, having led a peninsular-wide review in 2018/19.
Dermatology is an area of specialist interest with Jacqui leading reviews across the UK. She has been commissioning and PbR advisor to the BAD, undertaking detailed patient mapping work in psoriasis, urticaria and eczema. Jacqui’s work has included looking at the benefits of biologic treatment for patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and leading the redesign of biologic pathways and services. Jacqui has undertaken work on the importance of effective emollient use and the effective treatment of childhood eczema on behalf of the National Eczema Society.
Jacqui has an interest in the management of pain leading numerous service reviews and redesign programmes. Undertaking detailed mapping of patient pathways, Jacqui has helped amplify the message of the cost of not treating pain, and the issues relating to the overuse of opioid-based medication and neuropathic painkillers. She co-authored the RCGP commissioning guide to pain services in 2019. She is a member of the Societal Impact of Pain Committee which reports directly to the European heads of state and is a regular speaker in both the UK and European parliament.
Working in oncology, haematology, endocrinology and gastroenterology, Jacqui has led numerous service reviews, patient discovery interviews, pathway mapping and redesign programmes within leukaemia, lung, neuroendocrine tumours, acromegaly and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. She is used to working with teams facilitating quality and system improvement and has a genuine passion for making sure every contact counts. Jacqui’s work has included detailed process mapping and analysis of when best practice care is not delivered and the impact on patients and the whole system. She led the largest acromegaly service review in the UK in 2018.
Jacqui has undertaken several reviews within neurology and has a particular interest in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and dystonia. Through her work, she has been able to link her interests in pain, the effective management of chronic disease and promoting independence. Her work has included undertaking patient discovery interviews as a means of gaining real-life qualitative insight into patient-reported outcome measures and service delivery metrics.
Other areas of interest include female health, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology and Hepatitis C, with the co-authorship of papers and posters on pain, endocrinology, dermatology, immunology, and pancreatic disease.