Thursday 2nd November 2023 13:00 - 14:00 (GMT)
Personalised medicine is an innovative approach to the creation of healthcare that is targeted upon the individual, leading to a more accurate diagnosis of illness based on a person’s unique profile.
Across the UK, all healthcare systems are also having to implement policies and strategies that are inclusive of the shift to more personalised care.
In England, newly created integrated care systems (ICSs) are radically changing the way services are provided, including personalised medicines, e.g. through a simplified commissioning model, the creation of provider collaboratives and new specialised medicines responsibilities.
In this 60-minute, informative masterclass for LSAA members, John Chater, NHS expert and commentator, will assess the likely impact of the new NHS on the evolution of personalised medicines as we enter 2024, as well as examine the wider impact of this novel area of care.
2nd Nov 2023 13:00 – 14:00 (GMT)